Paintings for Sale

All the paintings listed below are for sale. If you would like to purchase one or have a question, please contact me via my email address.



This painting is of a cat I am calling Fred who I saw sitting under a large shrub in his front yard. I loved how calm yet engaged he was in what was going on around him. Where he was sitting was clearly a well-worn place of comfort and security as he was completely unphased by me or any others passers by.

Medium: Oil on canvass

Size: 16.5” x 12”




Goliath belonged to a family who ran a tulip store in central Amsterdam. He was absolutely tiny, but he would trot out of the store onto the sidewalk, casually avoiding the masses of pedestrians and find a spot in which he could sit and soak up the sun. He was fearless and I loved that.

Medium: Oil on canvass

Size: 20” x 20”



Ariel - A study

This painting is a study of an amazing Columbian named Ariel. He was one of the loveliest people, with a great sense of humour. He was also a great model with amazing hair and distinct, wonderful-to-paint features.

Medium: Oil on canvass

Size: 26” x 18”
